Advance Directives
Advance Directives
It’s an unfortunate truth, but accidents happen, and unforeseen circumstances arise every day. Advanced directives eliminate overburdening your loved ones with choices they may regret. Advanced directives are legal documents that give a specific person the legal power to act on your behalf and make decisions for you when you are not able to make those decisions yourself.
In Ohio, advanced directives can include:
- Financial Powers of Attorney
- Living Will, and Bodily Remains Directives
- Healthcare Powers of Attorney
- HIPAA Personal Represenative
How are advanced directives prepared?
Medical issues that might arise at the end of life include:
- DNR orders
- Organ and tissue donation
- Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST )
- Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (MOLST )

Why do advanced directives matter?
making advanced directives
When it comes to making advanced directives, many people wonder whether they need an elder law attorney to help them. The answer is no – you do not need an elder law attorney to complete the forms. However, having the advice of a legal professional can clarify your wishes in the directive and make sure your wishes are followed.
An elder law attorney can help you understand the different types of advance directives available, and can guide you through the process of choosing the type of directive that best suits your needs. If you have specific questions about how to fill out a particular form, an elder law attorney can help you with that as well.
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